All Documents relating to the Report of the Highway Review Committee appointed by the JCC to examine the disputed Mon Desir-Debe segment of this important project.
The JCC is calling for the immediate withdrawal of this flawed RFP and its substantial revision after proper consultation with stakeholders. Some points to consider: Scope of work/timescale - The proposals are to be submitted by 4th October 2011 and that is an unrealistically short timescale for such a huge development. In addition, its definition of scope is far too generalized, which leaves the evaluation and selection process open to potential abuse or the whims and fancies of personal preference. Development Within a Proper Planned Context - The RFP makes the point that MPE is responsible for land-use planning, ensuring balanced development and the restoration of lagging areas. There are various strategic development plans for Port of Spain which have been prepared for the Government and those have been ignored in the RFP. Transparency and the Creation of a Level Playing Field - The government must ensure that a transparent process is followed in the granting of any exclusive rights to private developers to develop these publicly-owned and extremely valuable property rights, conservatively estimated to be worth in excess of $1.0Bn. As far as we are aware there has been no stakeholder participation in this development process. None whatsoever. That is unacceptable by modern norms, not to mention several key sections of the Peoples' Partnership Manifesto. Movietowne Complex - The RFP requires that the new development "...must be complimentary (sic) to this existing development...", which seems to be an inexplicable and impractical requirement, with absolutely no basis in proper planning practice. In any event, the detailed Master Plan for Invaders Bay accounts for all uses, including Movietowne. Local content - In keeping with JCC's commitment to development of local industry, we are insisting that the RFP specify that all architectural and engineering services must be obtained in compliance with laws requiring that those professionals be properly-registered. In addition, there must be effective provisions to ensure full participation by local, labourers, contractors and suppliers. EIA - The RFP is silent as to the requirement for an Environmental Impact Assessment. Scale of Development - The Spoils to go to one Developer. Given the high development costs, we suggest that an alternative be adopted which would allow for the participation of several developers in the development of Invaders Bay. This approach has the benefit of being more equitable, with the likely side-effects being greater local participation and faster pace of development of these lands.